Your Weekly Update

This Week’s Breakfast Program Meeting on Saturday · October 26, 2024

Invite your friends, relatives, and acquaintances to the meeting this Saturday! Introduce them to Kiwanis friends and what our club is all about. Morning meetings with breakfast are a good way to share your experiences and get to know the community. This membership meeting has an added bonus: we will show the Books for a Bright Future promotion video that was produced by Kiwanis International about our club!

Special Note: We are meeting at the library in Cicero (The Hamilton North Public Library), in The Jenkins Room.

News to Know

Angel Tree Roadblock
Please consider signing up to volunteer for the Angel Tree Roadblock which we will have on Saturday, November 2nd. It’s a fairly easy way to assist Hamilton Heights school students and staff as they strive to support families in our community! To volunteer – Club members can log into this site and visit the Member Portal to contact this event’s coordinator and sign up. Not a club member but would
like to help? Great! Just click ‘Email Us’ and let us know!

Member of the Hamilton Heights High School Kiwanis Key Club, serving at the 2022 Veteran’s Day Breakfast.

Veteran’s Day Breakfast
Our annual Veteran’s Day Breakfast is on November 9th at The United Wesleyan Church in Cicero! The breakfast starts at 8:30am, but help is needed from 7:45am – 11:00am. This is an awesome event, and one you must experience! This event also presents an amazing opportunity for the Kiwanis Club of Cicero and our three Service Leadership Programs (K-Kids, Builder’s Club, and Key Club) at the Hamilton Heights schools to work together to welcome and thank the U.S. military veterans of our community!

The Kiwanis Club of Cicero annual Veteran’s Day Breakfast on November 11, 2023

To volunteer for the event: club members please log into this site and visit the Member Portal to contact this event’s coordinator and sign up to help. Not a club member but would like to help? Great! Just click ‘Email Us’ and let us know!

To view our club calendar, and see a list of upcoming events and activities, please click ‘Upcoming Events’ on the homepage, or visit